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Software Questions Selection

11 Essential Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Student Housing Property Management Software

October 28, 2023

Selecting the right property management software for student housing can be a complex process. It is a decision that requires a careful understanding of the specific requirements of the institution, the students, and the property managers involved. The following are 11 essential questions that one should consider before making this crucial decision.

  • How User-Friendly is the Software?

  • What Capabilities does the Software Offer for Online Leasing?

  • Is the Software Capable of Managing Multiple Properties?

  • Does the Software Facilitate Maintenance Requests?

  • How Robust are the Reporting and Analytics Features?

  • Does the Software Support Mobile Access?

  • Is the Software Scalable?

  • How Secure is the Software?

  • What Customization Options are Available?

  • What Level of Customer Support Does the Provider Offer?

  • What is the Total Cost of Ownership?

Choosing the right student housing property management software is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires thorough research, a deep understanding of the institution's needs, and insightful deliberation on the pros and cons of each option. However, with the right approach and by asking the right questions, one can indeed make a choice that brings significant benefits to all stakeholders involved.

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User-friendly software refers to a program or system that is easy to use or navigate. It has an intuitive interface that significantly reduces the learning curve and leads to more efficient use of the software.

Online leasing is important because it streamlines operations. It allows for online lease signing, renewals, and payment processing which can be done remotely and at any time.

The benefit of managing multiple properties through one software is improved efficiency. This feature eliminates the need to switch between different systems for different properties.

Reporting and analytics features are crucial for effective decision-making. They provide insightful data such as occupancy rates, leasing trends, or revenue patterns that can be used to make informed decisions.

Scalable software has the capacity to handle an increasing number of users and properties without compromising on performance. It can adapt and grow with the institution's needs.

In terms of software security, it is crucial that the software has robust security measures in place. This includes encryption for data at rest and in transit, as well as strong access control mechanisms.

The total cost of ownership of the software includes not just the upfront purchase price or subscription fee, but also the costs associated with implementation, training, maintenance and upgrades.
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